Artificial Intelligence as a Promising Technology: Possibilities and Challenges Across Different Areas of Human Life

Artificial Intelligence as a Promising Technology: Possibilities and Challenges Across Different Areas of Human Life

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0892-9.ch003
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Artificial intelligence is a global technological phenomenon with a wide range of possibilities to be applied in almost all areas of human life. It simplifies and makes tasks more manageable, thereby destroying many jobs across the globe. However, the current literature on the subject highlights various challenges and new areas of its application. The primary purpose of the research is to explore, through several types of literature, the current issues on artificial intelligence, prospects, and challenges in the daily lives of human beings. The study will present the options for AI applications to make life convenient and identify how and where the technology could be applied in addition to its current application in different areas of human life. In addition, it will add to the body of growing literature on the subject, which scholars and students will find helpful. The study shows that multiple technologies (AI with others could be integrated) provide synergy and convenience to get a competitive edge in the industry.
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Intelligence, as an attribute, has been considered among the most essential quality of human behaviour. Therefore, human Intelligence is expressed as it interacts with the environment and nature (Watts et al., 2018). Human Intelligence does spur a broad spectrum of modalities that exhibit spatial, emotional, legal, and logical cognitions (Robinson et al., 1982). Intelligence is a capacity, logic, self-awareness, understanding, emotional knowledge, learning, planning, reasoning, problem-solving, creativity, etc., applied in our daily lives. In general terms, it is an ability to infer or perceive information and to be able to retain it as knowledge to be applied toward adaptive behaviour within a context or an environment, Robinson further highlights. It involves cognitive abilities like, working memory, category formations, sustained attention, and pattern recognition to succeed in everyday activities (Galaz et al., 2021). All those special abilities are attributes of humans and, therefore, are being incorporated or installed in machines and computers to perform tasks intelligently (Gursoy et al., 2023). In the modern world, AI is the study of a computer system(s) that attempt to model and apply the Intelligence of human minds. (Hügle et al., 2020). Artificial Intelligence is also called machine intelligence – an intelligence demonstrated by machines in contrast to Natural Intelligence, which is displayed by humans and other animals, like “problem-solving” and “learning”(Robinson et al., 1982) sees artificial Intelligence as a way of making computer study how the Human brain learns and thinks, works and decides while trying to solve a particular problem. As a result, intelligent machines are built by computers capable of performing complex tasks that require human Intelligence (Schwab et al., 2023). Artificial Intelligence employs various approaches like machine learning to make jobs more natural and accessible.

AI's promises extend far beyond Silicon Valley's challenges; therefore, emerging technologies like conversational interfaces and deep learning enable it to do more work than driving advertising clicks, boosting corporate profits, and streamlining sales (Dabbous & Boustani, 2023). There is a growing contraction of what Artificial Intelligence cannot do; now, machines can write elegant prose, ace exams, apply codes, predict how proteins will fold, conjure exquisite arts, etc. (Shafique et al., 2023). They are all used to make work or tasks much more straightforward than done manually. The Middle East alone is projected to reap up to 2% of the total AI benefits by 2030 – equating to a $320 billion value, based on PwC Middle East Report (Ghoreishi et al., 2023). Projections indicate that the Artificial Intelligence market will experience a lump-sum surge in the coming years – reaching a trillion-dollar milestone (Giuggioli & Pellegrini, 2023).

Similarly, artificial Intelligence is already having massive impacts on various stocks across the globe. For instance, Microsoft Corp. climbed up to 30% this year, and NVIDIA Corporation is up by 26% last week of May due to boosts in Artificial intelligence sales and optimism (Short & Short, 2023). It shows that governments, as well as companies, are employing technology to incorporate into the operations. This trend will therefore continue to grow for the competitiveness of corporations, states and individuals for convenience.

In addition, several players in the start-up markets have also seen some traction, like Start Engine (an investment platform) records raising an AI-based start-up AtomBaum. This start-up employs an AI for compact data by up to 75% allowing, which increases bandwidth by up to four times (Chen & Choi, 2008). There is growing use and application of various tools for the technology and multiple industries will be provided with convenient means for their specific adoption shortly.

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