The Extent of Pilgrims and Umrah Performers' Reliance on the Mobile Exhibition Using Hologram Technology During the Performance of the Rituals

The Extent of Pilgrims and Umrah Performers' Reliance on the Mobile Exhibition Using Hologram Technology During the Performance of the Rituals

Osman Bakur Gazzaz, Hamza Saad Mohamed
DOI: 10.4018/IJCRMM.2021100106
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The purpose of the current study was to reveal the role played by mobile exhibitions such as modern techniques using stereoscopic imaging technology (zebra and hologram) in enriching the knowledgeable experience of the pilgrims and Umrah visitors by providing awareness and guidance and contributing to the performance of their rituals from the beginning of their arrival to the end. A random sample of 400 Umrah performers and pilgrims (200 males and 200 females) were selected. The study used quantitative research methodology in the form of a survey. Results indicated that the dependence on hologram technology increased the level of awareness and guidance between the pilgrims preforming the rituals in the two holy mosques.
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Previous Studies

The previous studies are of great importance as they include valuable information that facilitate researchers' work to complete their research. In addition, they are considered as the main foundation of the study, through which the researcher determines the followed steps and procedures to address the study problem. The researcher follows the scientific methodology in the research by collecting the available previous studies that are related to the subject of study. Also, the researcher reviews the scientific heritage in media field and surveys previous studies related to the subject of the study, as follows.

The study of Wajdi Helmy Eid and Muhammad Ali Gharib (2017) aims to discover the role of security media in supporting Saudi Arabia's image among the pilgrims and Umrah performers and confronting foreign-directed media campaigns. The results show that 73% of the pilgrims and Umrah performers, who are careful to know the latest updates, follow the Saudi security media in the Hajj period. It also proves that the sample members rely heavily on media sources to collect information on security and safety during the Hajj period. In addition to what has been mentioned, it proves that there are statistically significant differences between the role of the Saudi security media in spreading security awareness in the Hajj period and the demographics of the respondents. In his study, Wajdi Helmy (2014) explains the visual websites’ role in providing pilgrims and Umrah performers with the information about the Hajj and Umrah rituals. It revealed that 32.4% of the sample members rely on visual websites for this aim. On the other side, 36.2% of them depend on the visual websites to acquire religious knowledge in general. The results of the study demonstrate a statistically significant correlation in the level of the knowledge regarding the rituals of Hajj and Umrah and statistically significant differences in the knowledge level of the information on Hajj and Umrah rituals and the respondents' demographic variables.

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